Vintage 3 Speed English Bicycles

Linus Bicycle

Keeping Your Bikes Organized.

The Mystery Path Racer

When I first saw the Pashley Path Racer I desperately wanted one but couldn’t justify the price. I decided to build my own verison and looked around for a suitable bicycle to base it on.

I found this rod and lever Windsor on Kijiji in Newmarket and bought it.

It had the right geometry and the double top tube was a real incentive.

I removed the fenders and chainguard.

The white tires were provided by Martin at Hoopdriver and the Brooks saddle from West Side Cycle.

Despite looking extensively for any information on Windsor bicycles nothing came up, until today.

There was a Windsor factory in Mexico during the 60’s and seventies but I suspect that my bike was made in India.

A couple more Windsors from the internet.

Then last summer Linus introduced it’s Path Racer, the Gaston. Very reasonable compared to the Pashley.