Vintage 3 Speed English Bicycles

Posts tagged “Vintage Raleigh


Hipster Raleigh Superbe

A current ad on Kijiji, Toronto:

“Get noticed on your racing green vintage Raleigh.
Pretend you know your stuff when a hot guy/girl asks about it and you answer with aloof indifference: “Whatevs… it’s a 3 speed, 1977 Raleigh Superbe in great shape with all original parts including British made Sturmey Archer transmission in the wheel hub.”
It even has a rack on the back to hold artisanal jams, free range Chanterelles, or an ironic box of moustache grooming supplies.
It has foot powered lights but the bulbs (will need to replaced for the lights to work).
I’d keep it but I’m not cool enough to pull it off.



More Junk! 1972 Raleigh Sports

Picked this up today. It actually looks much better in the photos than in person, but it wasn’t expensive and quite complete.

The Good:

-Complete bike

-Paint is good and will clean up

-Tall frame

-Original ribbed cables (all work well

-Plastic trigger face not cracked

-Period saddle bag attached

-Chain OK

-Brooks vinyl saddle OK

-Interesting period wheel lock

The Bad:


-Brake pads

-Incorrect pedals

-Rims have surface rust but may polish out

-Rear hub is missing the oil port (Bolt in it’s place)

My plan is to strip the bike and re-assemble. More than likely I’ll pass it on to someone at cost (Bike + parts). Someone contacted me last week looking for a bike so it may go to him. He’s a little put off by the colour, but I like it.

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Vintage Raleigh

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