Vintage 3 Speed English Bicycles

73 Supercycle 3 Speed Project Update

This bike belongs to a friend at work. He bought a house last year and the bike was left behind in the garage. It looked to be in a sorry state. After disassembly and a good clean it appears that the bike has spent most of it’s life unridden.. Originally equipped with a Shimano 333 hub I plan to replace with a Sturmey Archer rear wheel. I’ve posted about these bikes before.

A strange CCM/Supercycle hybrid.

Work continues.

P1170203 P1170205 P1170207P1170208 P1170210 P1170211 P1170212After dis assembly it became clear that this was a very low mileage bicycle and had spent most of it’s 40 yeras stashed in a gararge. I decided to leave the Shimano 333 hub on the bike to preserve it’s originality. Other than time, the only costs on this one was $40.00. two new tires and a chain. The photos don’t capture the true colour.

4 responses

  1. John B. Bunch

    Hello, Enjoy your posts… Have a few 3 speeds myself. What method do you use to press out the crank cotters?


    On Sat, 25 Jul 2015 12:33:16 +0000

    July 26, 2015 at 10:21 am

  2. Hit with a hammer!!!

    July 26, 2015 at 10:19 pm

  3. Robert

    I have the same bicycle as well… looking to paint it the same colour but it’s a little difficult to find something like that

    April 28, 2020 at 8:05 pm

    • Yeah, I think it was a 3 part process. A base colour with silver and then a transluscent top coat and then maybe a sealer.
      Not easy to reproduce at home.

      April 28, 2020 at 8:35 pm

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